Council Chambers, City Hall, March 3, 2025, at 6:00 P.M.
West Union City Council met March 3, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. in Council Chambers with Mayor Cameron Granger presiding. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance Present: DeBack, Gumm, McElree, and Tope. Absent: Miller.
Approval of the Motion to approve the agenda, adding 11A: Speed Cameras, was made by Gumm,
Agenda seconded by Tope. All Aye. Carried.
Approval of Motion to approve the February 17, 2025, Regular Council Meeting minutes as
Minutes presented was made by DeBack, seconded by Tope. All Aye. Carried.
Update on Northeast An update on the Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund was given by Chris
Iowa Regional Troendle from Upper Explorerland. He shared information on their housing
Housing Trust Fund programs which include the Housing Trust Fund, a Repair Program, and a
Homebuyer Program that residents can apply for.
Public Hearing on Motion to open Public Hearing on proposal to enter into a General Obligation
Proposal to Enter into Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement was made by DeBack, seconded by Gumm.
A General Obligation All Aye. Carried. After no comments or questions from the public, motion to close
Corporate Purpose Public Hearing was made by DeBack, seconded by Gumm. All Aye. Carried.
Loan Agreement
Approval of Motion to approve Resolution 2025-20, taking additional action on proposal to enter
Resolution 2025-20 into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement, setting date for sale
Taking Additional of bonds, and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection
Action on Proposal to therewith, was made by Gumm, seconded by Tope. All Aye. Carried.
Enter into a General
Obligation Corporate
Purpose Loan
Approval of Street Motion to approve street closures for upcoming events was made by Gumm,
Closures for Napa Car seconded by Tope. All Aye. Carried. Street closure on E Main from Vine to Walnut
Shows, Block Party, for Napa Car Shows will be May 22, June 26, August 28, and September 25. Street
And Playin’ on the closure on Vine Street from Bank 1st to China Kitchen and E Elm from Vine to
Plaza S Walnut for Block Party will be May 3rd. Street closure on E Elm Street from Vine to Crosswalk for Playin’ on the Plaza will be June 12, 19, and 26, July 3, 10, 17, and
31, and August 7.
Approval of Payment Motion to approve payment to Granger Construction for $5,900.00 for tile repair and
To Granger additional expenditures on Trail was made by Gumm, seconded by DeBack. All
Construction for Tile Aye. Carried.
Repair and Additional
Expenditures on Trail
Approval of High Bid Motion to approve high bid for sale of pavers was made by DeBack, seconded by
For Sale of Pavers Gumm. All Aye. Carried. Street Department will choose what to keep on hand for future needs; Dan Mueller will pay $40 per pallet for remaining pallets.
Discuss Window and Due to budget constraints, City Administrator Johansen recommends repairing
Door Bids window caulk instead of replacing. Council would like to get separate quotes for replacement of 3 lower exterior doors at City Hall to review.
Approval of Iowa DOT Motion to approve Iowa DOT Federal-aid Agreement for a City Highway
Federal-aid Agreement Bridge Program, Project #BHM-8295(604)—8K-33, for the N Pine St Bridge
For a City Highway over Glovers Creek was made by McElree, seconded by Gumm. All Aye. Carried.
Bridge Program for the Reimbursement for this project will be limited to 100% of the eligible bridge
N Pine St Bridge replacement or rehabilitation construction costs, or a maximum of $1,500,000.00,
Project whichever is less.
Comments and Speed cameras have been taken down by Altumint, and they will be ending their
Discussion rental agreement for the downstairs office on March 30, 2025.
Next Council Next regular council meeting will be March 17, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in
Meeting Council Chambers.
Adjourn With no further business to bring before the Council, a motion was made by
DeBack, seconded by Gumm, to adjourn. All Aye. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.