Council Chambers, City Hall, November 18, 2024, at 6:00 P.M.
West Union City Council met November 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in Council
Chambers with Mayor Cameron Granger presiding. The meeting began with the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance Present: DeBack, Gumm, McElree, Miller, and Tope.
Approval of the Motion to approve the agenda, adding #8A: Consider approval of Carrico
Agenda Aquatics proposal, #15B: Ash tree discussion, #15C: Streetscape brick discussion, and #15D: Discuss building of “shouses” in town, was
made by Tope, seconded by DeBack. All Aye. Carried.
Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the November 4, 2024, Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented was made by Gumm, seconded by McElree. All Aye. Carried.
Approval of Resolution Motion to approve Resolution 2025-08 approving the proposed plan for the
2025-08 Approving the West Union Urban Revitalization Area was made by McElree, seconded by
Proposed Plan for the Gumm. All Aye. Carried.
West Union Urban
Revitalization Area
Approval of Motion to approve First Read of Ordinance 615, Designate an Area of West
Ordinance 615 Union, IA, as the West Union Urban Revitalization Area was made by Tope,
seconded by McElree. All Aye. Carried.
Motion to waive 2nd and 3rd readings of ordinance was made by Gumm, seconded by DeBack. All Aye. Carried.
Motion to adopt Ordinance 615, an order to designate an area of West Union, IA, as the West Union Urban Revitalization Area was made by Gumm, seconded by Miller. All Aye. Carried.
Approval of Resolution Motion to approve Resolution 2025-09, payment to McClure Engineering for
2025-09 Payment to October invoice of $1,566.69 for Airport Pavement Rehabilitation Project, was
McClure Engineering made by Gumm, seconded by Miller. All Aye. Carried.
For Airport Project
Approval of Payment Motion to approve payment to Wicks Construction for PPE#3 for the Trail for
To Wicks Construction $583,753.10 and for Change Order#3 for $53,001.43 was made by DeBack,
For PPE#3 and CO#3 seconded by McElree. All Aye. Carried.
For the Trail
Approval to Expend Motion to approve expending up to $24,372.00 of the speed camera funds for
Speed Camera Funds Taser 10 bundle for the Police Department was made by Gumm, seconded by
For Taser 10 Bundle Miller. All Aye. Carried.
For Police Department
Approval to Donate Cain Rodgers presented an Eagle Scout project for Rotary Park Bridge repairs.
$250 Park & Rec Motion to approve donating $250 Park & Rec funds to Cain Rodgers’ Eagle
Funds To Eagle Scout Scout Project at Rotary Park Bridge as approved by Park & Rec Board
Project for Rotary Park November 12, 2024, was made by McElree, seconded by DeBack. All Aye.
Bridge Carried.
Approval of Carrico Motion to approve Carrico Aquatic Resources’ proposal to replace the failed
Aquatic Resources multi-link filter valves with updated 4-valve configuration and face piping at the
Proposal West Union Aquatic Center for $6,650.00 plus shipping was made by Gumm,
seconded by Tope. All Aye. Carried.
Approval of The Motion to approve The Union as the paper of record for the City of West Union
Union as the Paper of and for legal publications for 2025 was made by DeBack, seconded by Gumm.
Record for the City of All Aye. Carried.
West Union for 2025
Approval of Quillins Motion to approve liquor license renewal for Quillins Iowa Inc was made by
Iowa Inc Liquor Gumm, seconded by Miller. All Aye. Carried.
License Renewal
Approval to Hire Motion to hire Lane Johansen as the Street Superintendent was made by Miller,
Lane Johansen as seconded by DeBack. All Aye. Carried. Johansen will be paid $25.79/hour
Street Superintendent effective with hours starting on November 18, 2024, and will receive a 6-month
(May 2025) review for a potential raise upon criteria set by the Benefits
Approval to Name Motion to approve Kent Halverson as representative to Fayette County
Kent Halverson to Emergency Management Board was made by Gumm, seconded by Miller. All
Fayette County Aye. Carried. City Administrator Johansen will request board minutes be shared
Emergency with Council.
Management Board
Approval of October Motion to approve October 2024 Financials as presented and November 2024
2024 Financials and expenditures totaling $242,619.47 was made by Tope, seconded by McElree. All
November 2024 Aye. Carried.
Access Systems-Copier 280.75
AFLAC-Insurance 183.42
Allamakee-Clayton Econ Dev-Loans 3,000.00
Allamakee-Clayton Electric-Electric Bills 4,005.13
Amazon-Supplies 263.63
Amie Johansen-Training 326.20
Andre Fuentes-Reffing 50.00
AT&T Mobility-Phones 258.69
Biblionix-Subscription 1,980.00
Black Hawk Waste-Garbage 40.00
Black Hills-Gas 629.88
CDW Government-Supplies 292.66
CenturyLink-Phones 310.09
City Laundering-Supplies 642.21
Dale Bilden-City Hall Janitorial 150.00
Danko Emergency Equip-Supplies 833.00
Dave’s Home Improvement-Repairs 10,500.00
Demko-Supplies 95.82
Dorsey & Whitney-Fees 750.00
EFTPS-Payroll Taxes 18,329.00
Farm Plan (Norby’s)-Supplies 747.15
Farmers Win Coop-Fuel 1,191.90
Fay Co Auditor-Geo Electric 287.68
Fay Co Treasurer-Taxes 133.00
Fehr Graham-Engineering 42,267.00
Four Season Storage-Rent 450.00
Gordon Flesch-Copier 127.26
Greyson Young-Training/Dental 1,528.63
Hawkeye Interconnect-Internet 165.96
IMWCA-Work Comp 4,519.00
Ingram-Books 198.14
IA DNR-Fees 115.00
IA Rural Water Association-Dues 355.00
IPERS-Retirement 19,001.48
Kerndt Bank-Fees 80.20
KSB Solar-Solar Fees 2,465.60
Lee Barness-Vision 318.25
Lincoln Investment-457b Plan 5,361.96
Loomis P&H-Repairs 353.19
Lynch Dallas-Legal Fees 180.00
Marco-Copiers 141.12
McClure Engineering-Airport 2,578.87
Midwest Alkota-Supplies 34.20
Napa-Supplies 459.04
Nartec-Supplies 437.07
North Central Labs-Supplies 473.61
Origin Design-Services 8,000.00
Prairie Road Builders-Seal Coat 4,143.64
Quill Corp-Supplies 122.18
Quillin’s-Supplies 112.10
Rainbow Book Co-Books 439.33
Reiser Imp-Repairs 170.76
Reliant Fire Apparatus-Supplies 518.80
RNR Solar-Solar Fees 2,310.35
Roberta Medberry-Sidewalk 1,020.00
Ryan Wagner-Firemen Compensation 475.00
Shawn Gilson-Reffing 160.00
Sisco Premium Trust-Insurance 24,003.02
SmokeEater Publications-Subscriptions 220.00
Taylor Hepperle-Dental 146.00
The Standard-Insurance 446.79
Titan Machinery-Repairs 4,831.02
Treasurer-St of Iowa-Taxes 3,763.88
TW Training-Coaching 1,979.52
US Cellular-Phones 350.19
US Postmaster-Supplies 524.72
Verizon-Phones 226.61
Washington National-Insurance 125.85
WU District Energy-Geo 560.00
WU Hardware-Supplies 144.37
WU Motor Supply-Supplies 51.67
WU Motors-Supplies 936.00
Westrum Leak Detection-Survey 2,200.00
Wilbur Ford-Repairs 813.52
Wright Way Computers-Services 31.25
Zach Salisbury-Dental 541.00
Utility Refunds 49.12
Total Payroll 56,311.99
Total Claims $242,619.47
General $122,330.58 $394,485.22
Fire Equipment Replacement
Road Use Tax 23,521.62 27,891.42
Employee Benefits 25,166.98 115,411.98
LOST 29,001.91
TIF 33,838.10
Revolving Loan Fund
Library Donations 439.33 178.00
Park Equipment
Pool Improvement
Cemetery Donations
Debt Service 101,434.71
Capital Improvement 22,768.00
Airport Project 2,578.87
Bridge Project 8,000.00
Equipment Revolving
Perpetual Care
Water 16,068.30 32,240.87
Capital Water Fee 4,767.47
Sewer 18,745.79 26,237.64 Capital Sewer Fee 32,922.36
Sewer Sinking Fund 39,108.00
Capital Sewer Projects 3,000.00
Storm Water 3,744.54
-------------------- --------------------
Totals $242,619.47 $841,262.22
Approval of FY23-24 Motion to approve FY23-24 Street Report to submit to the Iowa DOT as required
Street Report was made by Gumm, seconded by Miller. All Aye. Carried.
Comments and Items City Administrator Johansen shared letter from Iowa DOT, preparing for the
To Discuss 2025 Summer Traffic Count Program. City will request counts on N Pine St,
going north from Hwy 18 and S Pine St, going south out Echo Valley Rd.
Johansen will contact Hangartner Tree Service about quotes to remove trees on
E Elm boulevard.
Johansen will check on progress on Ordinance codification.
Discussed getting the streetscape brick pockets and cracks filled.
Planning and Zoning will be contacted about allowing “shouses” to be built in
city limits.
Johansen will talk to Oelwein about partnering for building inspections.
Adjourn With no further business to bring before the Council, a motion to adjourn was made by DeBack, seconded by Miller. All Aye. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
Next Council Next regular council meeting will be December 2, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Council
Meeting Chambers.