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Volga City Council

The Volga City Council held the regular monthly Council meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 601 Washington Street. Council members Crystal Nicholson, Parker Klingman, Alex Fettkether, and Tom Whittle answered Roll Call.

Megan McDonald, Mike Howard were also present.

Public Comments: none received.

Council reviewed the 2025 Community Forum meeting to determine Council Focus Areas. There were no additional topics added to the current focus areas: Transportation Infrastructure, Community Beautification and Recreation.

Heather Thomas and Ann Duff entered the meeting.

Transportation Infrastructure:

Washington Street project: The engineer indicated the earliest contact with the contractor following the bid letting would be mid April at the earliest. Information will be communicated as it is available. Council discussed development of a monthly street maintenance schedule and options for other streets in town.

Motion by Klingman to authorize the Mayor to remove the Oak Street Bridge project from the current City Bridge funding cycle. Second by Fettkether. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Community Beautification:

Council discussed the requests for property cleanup plans and information needed to provide to the city attorney for judgements for those not providing plans.

Real estate discussion: Motion by Fettkether to remove Ordinances 175 and 176 from the agenda until further notice. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Council discussed VCTC property currently stored on city property and will invite a representative to the March meeting for discussion.

Department Updates:

Public Works: Motion by Klingman to approve the purchase of up to 6 loads of gravel for Lafayette Street to assist with the Washington Street project providing parking to home owners who need access during construction. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Whittle to deny the request for garbage pickup in the church garage for Sacred Heart Catholic Church and suggest purchasing of a garbage can with a lid to be placed out at the curb. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Council discussed garbage pick-up and will wait on future county action to determine if any changes are needed.

Public Works indicated that the plan is to work on the council chamber room during March.

Water/Sewer/Garbage Departments:

Water pressure project update: Engineers are planning for a start-up in late February and will provide information to be communicated to residents regarding pressure levels.

Motion by Fettkether to approve Payment No.19 to Ray’s Excavating for work completed. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Council discussed grinder pump policies and issues. Additional information for the sewer system will be included in the next newsletter.

A water shut-off in the city park needs to be replaced. It was determined that the City will cover the cost of the repair as a part of normal operations and not a park board project.


Motion by Fettkether to not purchase additional insurance coverage for Violent Events. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Klingman to approve the updated UERPC contract for City Code update. The Clerk will enter any ordinance amendments since the last update. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

FY 26 Budget Process: The Clerk provided a review of the Enterprise Funds, General Fund, Wages, Insurance, and Road Use Funds. Motion by Klingman to include the allowed Consolidated General Fund Levy ($8.47), the recommended 9% increase in insurance costs, and no change in the current FICA/IPERS levy for consideration at the Public Hearing. Second by Fettkether. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Fettkether to set the Public Hearing date for Proposed Property Tax Levy Hearing at 7:00pm on March 24, 2025. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Klingman to table the First Reading of Ordinance #173: Alliant Energy Franchise Renewal. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Emergency Services: Mayor Follon thanked council members for attending the flood management meeting sponsored by FEMA. Whittle discussed conversations with Clayton County Emergency Management to consider the installation or development of some type of river level measurement system to provide reference points during high water events. He will followup with the fire department for ideas.

Library Board: Mayor Follon provided an update that the new cabinetry will be installed on Tuesday. This was purchased through the Upper Mississippi Gaming Grant received by the Friends of the Library.

Clayton County Development Group: Mayor Follon reported that Karla Duff has been participating as community representative.

The Consent Agenda was presented with the following items: 1) Minutes, 2) Claims, 3) Treasurer’s Report-January 2025, 4) Bank Reconciliation-January 2025, 5) Monthly Budget Report, 6) Resolution 2025-03: A Resolution for sale of excess library equipment, 7) Consent to renew CD for Fire Department based on fire department minutes for term and locations, and 8) Application for Building Permit: Megan McDonald/Mike Howard, 102 Washington St. Motion by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Whittle. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nicholson, Fettkether, Whittle. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Delinquent Utilities were discussed and shut-offs authorized.

Motion by Fettkether to adjourn. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17pm.


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