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Volga City Council

The Volga City Council held a Public Hearing for the consideration of amendments to the FY 25 Budget on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 601 Washington Street. Mayor Elaine Follon opened the public hearing at 6:58pm. Council members Parker Klingman, Darren Nading, Tom Whittle, and Crystal Nicholson answered Roll Call. Tom Klingman, Caleb Johnson, Glenna Whitford, Casey Stickfort, Megan McDonald, Brian Gibbs, Ben Hoksch, Daryl Bruxwort, Ann Duff, George Duff, Karla Duff, Rhonda Fry, Gina Briggs, Mary Remer, Chris Becklin and Kim Hurley were also in attendance. The Clerk reviewed the amendments, including grants and existing balances to cover the increased expenses. No other comments were received. Motion by Nading to close the public hearing. Second by Whittle. voted in favor. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:00pm.

Mayor Elaine Follon opened the Public Hearing regarding consideration of city ownership of the Volga City Opera House at 7:00 pm. Topics brought forth from council and those in attendance included: current efforts to sell the building; the community role for the building locally and regionally; the importance of the need to retire debt; the importance of the City to take on no additional expenses; necessity of a maintenance fund; board of directors; lease agreements to cover all costs of insurance and monthly building expenses; concerns of past debt; lease agreements versus building debt for businesses; the cornerstone, foundational and historical role within the community; the ability of the City to sell it if leasing scenario does not work; success of past events drawing from outside of the local area; regional recognition and interest; grant funding available under City ownership; current efforts ready to pursue fundraising for retirement of debt. Motion by Klingman to close the public hearing. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:22pm.

Mayor Follon called the regular council meeting to order at 7:23pm.

Karla Duff requested a 2-year Utility Abatement at 505 Washington Street during renovations, or until the business is operational. Motion by Whittle to approve. Second by Nading. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Public Comments: Thank you from Rhonda Fry for pothole maintenance. George Duff inquired about personal installation of speed bumps on Butler Street.

Updates on 2024 Focus Areas:

Transportation Infrastructure -Washington Street project: Council discussed grants received, options for additional grants, and funding options for the city portion of Washington Street Project (intersection approached to sidewalks) costs. Motion by Klingman to have the clerk work with Dorsey Whitney for the loan process through a Debt Service Levy to complete funding of the city portion of the Washington Street Project. Second by Nichoslon . All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Chris Becklin reviewed the Final Plans, Costs and Specifications for the Washington Street Project. Stickfort discussed the lifetime of the surface is 20 years, recommending a 5 year crack maintenance plan. The soy product was discussed. Current timeline includes bids to be opened in March, and a tentative start date ranging from June-July 2025. Length of the project is expected to be 4-7 weeks. The City’s project is tied to the County’s project as reclaimed materials will be brought in from the County’s project. Temporary Construction Easements have been obtained. Motion by Whittle to proceed with the Washington Street Project. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Mayor Follon updated Council on additional meetings with Clayton County and Iowa DOT to discuss options to fund the Oak Street Bridge project engineering Council will reach out to a local contractor to determine the feasibility of proceeding without federal funding and constraints.

Motion by Whittle to move the Water Pressure Project agenda item. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Chris Becklin updated Council on the timeline for start-up of the new system to tentatively happen in early January. Becklin discussed the payment process to contractor and suppliers. Motion by Whittle to approve Change Order No. 9. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Community Beautification -Follow-up on letters for property cleanup plans: Council was updated on letters sent. Additional properties will be contacted based on attorney recommendations regarding repetitive property cleanups and noise issues.

Real estate discussion- Mayor Follon presented Resolution 2024-31: A Resolution establishing a policy governing when the City accepts offered real estate. Motion by Whittle to approve resolution 2024-31. Second by Klingman. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Whittle, Nicholson. Nays: none. Abstain: none. Resolution 2024- 31 was approved.


Mayor Follon presented Ordinance #175: An Ordinance for engaging in Hospitality Services in Accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 23A. Motion by Nading to approve the First Reading of Ordinance #175. Second by Whittle. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Whittle, Nicholson. Nays: none. Abstain: none. The First Reading of Ordinance #175 was approved.

Mayor Follon presented Ordinance #176: An Ordinance establishing the Volga City Community Center and Board. Motion by Nading to approve the First Reading of Ordinance 176. Second by Klingman. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Whittle, Nicholson. Nays: none. Abstain: none. The First Reading of Ordinance #176 was approved.

Mayor Follon presented the Request for Actions submitted in November to determine next steps. Motion by Whittle to deny the action requested by Heather Thomas, providing a letter explaining the need to keep items out of the street right-of-way, and need to have clear separation of items for pickup. Motion died due to lack of second. Motion by Klingman to table the request, provide a letter or communication explaining right-of-way issues, need for separation of items, and invite Thomas to come to the January meeting to discuss. Second by Nading. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Klingman to send letters and ordinance reminders to dog owners and post reminders for the need to keep dogs fenced or tied up on properties. Second by Nicholson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Department Updates:

Public Works- Motion by Nading to approve contacting Clayton County to conduct the annual inspection of the Oak Street bridge. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Water/Sewer/Garbage Departments- Motion by Nicholson to approve garbage service for churches, with monthly garbage fee and sales tax to be added to their utility billing. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Clerk will prepare a Resolution for the January meeting.

Council discussed bag limits for garbage service, based on time and load capacity of the city truck for the current hauling arrangement. Whittle motioned to reply to those concerned explaining the need for the regular 6 bag limit and alternatives that would require per bag fees. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Motion by Nading to contact Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission to update the City Code with minimal additional meeting time. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Klingman to approve Clayton County Foundation for the Future request for support in the amount of $200. Second by Nading. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Mayor Follon presented Resolution 2024-33: A resolution amending the FY 25 Budget. Motion by Klingman to approve resolution 2024-33. Second by Whittle. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Whittle, Nicholson. Nays: none. Abstain: none. Resolution 2024-33 was approved.

Motion by Whittle to update contents coverage for insurance to the minimum allowed for 601 Washington Street, per the Library Director for the Library as well. Second by Klingman. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

The Clerk provided the updated FY 26 Budget Approval Calendar to include one special meeting on March 24, 2025.

Motion by Klingman to table the First Reading of Ordinance #173: Alliant Energy Franchise Renewal. Second by Whittle . All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Park Board: McDonald discussed interest in constructing a new structure for can redemption and street light storage.

Emergency Services: Mayor Follon presented Resolution 2024-35: A Resolution for the City of Volga, Clayton County, Iowa to enter into a 28E Agreement with Elkader, Iowa within Clayton County, Iowa for Emergency Response Services. Motion by Nading to approve resolution 2024-35. Second by Nicholson. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Nicholson, Whittle. Nays: none. Abstain: none. Resolution 2024-35 was approved.

Library Board: Karla Duff provided the Annual Library Report for FY 24. She updated council on increased use of the new building and appreciation for continued support of the City. The Library welcomes any volunteers who are interested in helping with small items to be completed.

Clayton County Development Group: Karla Duff will attend the next meeting with the Mayor.

The Consent Agenda was presented with the following items: 1) Minutes, 2) Claims, 3) Treasurer’s Report-November 2024, 4) Bank Reconciliation-November 2024, 5) Monthly Budget Report, 6) Approve Payment No. 18 in the amount of $3325.00 for Ray’s Excavating for Council consideration of payment for work completed in November, 7) Resolution 2024-34: Directing transfer of fundraising funds to Friends of the Library for matching funds for UMGC grant project, 8) Floodplain Development Permit: 500 Washington Street, Tom Lott, 9) Floodplain Development Permit: 505 Washington Street, Karla Duff, and 10) Building Permit: 403 Butler Street, Dennis Christeleit. Motion by Klingman to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Whittle. A Roll Call vote was taken. Ayes: Klingman, Nading, Whittle, Nicholson. Nays: none. Abstain: none. The Consent Agenda was approved.

Motion by Klingman to adjourn. Second by Whittle. All voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25pm.



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