FOR SALE…………………Monday
1….Small Square Bales Of First Crop Hay, No Rain, Grass Mixture. Good For Horses, $4.50 Each………………...608-872-2168
2….Large load of wood, cut down, soft maple & cherry wood, cut over 7 months ago, east of Edgewood, $600 for load……………………….928-6997
3….1st, 2nd & 3rd crop round bales of hay 1063 6 row corn head, all poly & rebuilt, call or text………………..608-1209
4….318 John Deere snowblower……………….608-0454
5….3-400 or bigger bushel gravity wagons……………..608-1209
6….Old Wooden dry sink, can be need of little repair……………….568-3628
FOR SALE…………………Friday
7….New LG Wash Tower With Gas Dryer, $900.…..451-9750
8….6’x8’ Utility trailer, 4’2” wide between fender wall, 2000 lb axle, hand winch, storage box, no ramps $300 obo, 1816 Case uni-skid loader, project that needs finished, $1,500 obo, call or text…………451-0829
9….Walnuts, $10.00/qt. Hickory nuts, $15.00/ qt………………...920-3872
10….Countertop smokeless grill, 11x18, brand new, hardly used………..380-0427
11….Kids Red Barn with white fence, $15 obo …………………….608-412-3221
12….Baseball Cards, 40s, 50s & 60s Hub Caps………….380-3340
13….Looking to buy live pigeons…………….880-7866
FOR SALE………………….Thursday
14…. Farm eggs, $4.00 a dozen 2 light tan, leather electric recliners, gently used. $650 per chair obo BRAND NEW, never used electric, foldable wheelchair, $1000………586-2108 leave a message
15….Whole or halves locker pigs, going to Edgewood Locker on March 25th antibiotic free…………………………379-2753
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