FOR SALE………………..Friday
1….New 12 Volt And Acid Pouch For Riding Mower, still In Unopened Box, $50 1/2 Inch Impact Wrench Electric, Comes With Sockets And Case $30………..…..880-7177
2….Whole or halves locker pigs, going to Edgewood Locker on March 25th antibiotic free…………………………379-2753
3….Farberware Kitchen tool set, $25 obo Chef’s Best Stainless Steel 6 steak knives set, $15 obo 2pk Copper knives set, $10 obo………………590-3782
4….Reasonable Small kitchen table and chairs, couch and dresser…..608-330-1441
5….Complete older calendars from the 20s thru 60s Hub caps………..380-3340
7….Winter Farmers Market, Saturday, March 8th from 10am-1pm at the Strawberry Point Civic Center, St. Pt. Lots of baked goods, plants, farm fresh eggs, jams & jellies, crafts and floral.
FOR SALE…………………Thursday
8….NEW LG WASH TOWER WITH GAS DRYER, $900………………..451-9750
9….Strikemaster Mag 6” ice auger. Runs great ……………...608-326-2248
10….50 4x5 Round Bales Of 1st Hay Alfalfa Grass Mix, No Rain, Stored Inside, Will Load. $50 Each………….…608-872-2168
11….2 Parlor Doors, 32” wide x 78 ½” high, 1 frosted etched and other frosted 2 saddles, 1 Simco 16” western and other Circle Y 14” western………….880-8164
12….Cattle tank for raised garden, 6ft long x 3ft wide x 2ft deep. $50………….451-0829 leave a message
13….Large load of wood, cut down, soft maple & cherry wood, cut over 7 months ago, east of Edgewood, $600 for load……………………….928-6997
14….DMI 5 knife subsoiler 60ft versatile auger with hopper………..880-4295
FOR SALE………………..Wednesday
15….2017 Chevy Impala, white, in excellent condition. 73112 miles. $15,000.…..880-6672 leave a message
16….2005 Polaris Sportsman, 500 H.O. with a snow plow. Low hours & fresh service……………………880-8299
17….Kids Homemade Wood Red Barn with roof that opens and doors & white fence, get this for your little farmer, $15 obo …………………….608-412-3221
18….Looking for a good used 4 wheel drive vehicle suv or similar……....539-4474
TO GIVE AWAY………………..
19….2 year old male gray and white Tabby looking for a forever home, very friendly……………….….319-361-8070