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Tradio - Friday, February 14, 2025

Updated: Feb 18

FOR SALE……………………Thursday/Friday

1….Chrome brush guard to fit a 2004-2008 F-150…………………….245-2498


3….Coleman 12' x 9' cabin tent. ………….…..880-0585

4….Baseball cards, 50s, 60s & 70s       Older Marx toys, 30s-60s………..380-3340


5….(8) 4 ft 4” bulb fluorescent light fixtures………………….880-0585

FOR SALE…………………Wednesday

6….StrikeMaster 6” ice auger. Runs great, $150…………………..608-326-2248


7….Used gas golf cart in good condition………………….380-8419

8….Want a black and white kitten for gift to my sweetheart……………….207-0202


9….Found by the KCTN radio station on Highway 128,  Pry Bar, 2 ½’ long with orange handle…………880-4498

FOR SALE…………………Tuesday

10….New LG Wash Tower With Gas Dryer, $900.…………….451-9750

11….150 4x5 Round Bales Of Mixed Grass Hay, Stored Inside, No Rain, Will Load $50 Each       100 4x5 Round Bales Of Alfalfa Hay With No Rain, Stored Inside, Will Load $50 Each ………608-872-2168  

12….2011 Honda Rancher 4 wheeler, Great shape, low hours, $4,500.00    Gas powered power washer, $4,500  extra tips $750.………….568-9930

13….Earthlite massage table, $75 pick up in Clermont…………….605-7355


14….6’x8’ Utility trailer, 4’2” wide between fender wall, 2000 lb axle, hand wench, storage box, no ramps $300,     1816 Case skid loader, project that needs finished, $1,500 obo, call or text…………451-0829

15….Husqvarna 2 stage snowblower, Model ST224, electric start, used 3 times, $700…….933-0000


16….PTO shaft for a Forage box……………..423-5934


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