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North Fayette/Valley Board




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, February 10, 2025, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin  Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris  Marcks. Student member: Avery Donnelly; Superintendent:  Joe Griffith; Business Manager: Kassie Stansbery;  Principals: Chris Miller, Micah Gearhart & Travis Elliott;  Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Shanda  Miller, Mallory Meyer, Kris Peterson, Sarah Lerch, Barb  Schroeder, Mark Branch, Kory Kuhens; Media: Sharon  Drahn

President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Nelson-Lerch, Klosterman, Schultz, Koch, & Marcks.  McGrane was absent.  Director Klosterman led the pledge of allegiance.  


President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.  


The updated agenda was approved as presented. Klosterman/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0


Public Forum:  

Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of January 13, 2025, Regular Meeting

  • Review/approve invoices (Reviewed by Kirstin Nelson-Lerch)

  • Approve Financial Reports 

  • Approve Resignations/Retirements: None

  • Transfers: None

  • Approve Contract Modifications: Julie Frieden 0.5 Math/0.5 Instructional Coach 2025-2026

  • Approve New Hires: Jaden Bohr – High School Guidance Counselor 2025-2026; Megan Boyer- 0.5 HS Science/0.5 Instructional Coach 2025-2026

  • Volunteer Coaches: None 

  • Receive and Approve Gifts: Norplex Micarta

Nelson-Lerch/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0



Student Ex-Officio member Donnelly informed the board about recent jazz choir activities, highlighted winter sports achievements—including the wrestling team qualifying for duals for the first time in school history—and provided updates on preparations for the Senior Trip and Mental Health Week.


Staff member Mallory Meyer updated the board on the ongoing efforts to establish North Fayette Valley as a cardiac-safe district over the past year. She emphasized the district’s commitment to being well-prepared for a range of cardiac emergencies, ensuring the safety and support of students, staff, and community members not only during the school day but also for those attending events in any of the district’s facilities.


High School Principal Mr. Miller provided the board with an update on upcoming parent/teacher conferences, scheduling and staffing for next school year, and some details on how the high school will be updating their English class offerings.  Mr. Miller also noted the potential for college level math classes in the near future.  

Middle School Principal Mr. Gearhart reported on Honor band and choir achievements, winter survival day, and FAST (Formative Assessment System for Teachers) results for reading and math proficiency.  

Elementary Principal Mr. Elliott reported on key areas including the Upper Iowa University day of service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, leader in me assembly for 2nd quarter, and the Junior Achievement program.  Mr. Elliott also detailed the FAST results for the elementaries.  

Curriculum Director Nefzger updated the board on professional development for ongoing topics as well as ISASP training.  Nefzger also reviewed the statewide curriculum updates and how professional learning sessions are being utilized to implement the changes at the classroom level. 


Business Manager Stansbery provided an update of the FY26 budget process and ongoing work related to negotiations with support staff. 


Superintendent Griffith provided the board with an update on special education programming adjustments to support students and staff better. Administrators recently met with AEA representatives to plan for next year’s Instructional, Media, and Technology Services, awaiting cost estimates for FY26. The State Fire Marshal’s visit identified necessary safety improvements, and a corrective action plan is in progress. Several summer projects are planned, including humidity control, window replacements, parking lot maintenance, and HVAC updates. The district is also exploring a tree replacement grant. Lastly, the Iowa Legislature is considering education-related proposals, including SSA increases, school start date flexibility, chronic absenteeism clarifications, a student cell phone ban, and teacher hiring and funding policy updates.



The board approved the second reading of policy updates for policies 700-704. Nelson-Lerch/Marcks  Motion Carried 6-0



The board approved setting two public hearings for the FY26 budget.  The first public hearing will be held on March 24, 2025 at 5:30pm.  The second public hearing will be held on April 14, 2025 at 5:30pm.

Klosterman/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0


The board approved the new insurance rates for FY26 with an increase in district contribution from $734 to $773.

Schultz/Marcks  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved a school bus leasing agreement with School Bus Sales beginning in FY26, which includes one activity bus featuring a design in school-themed colors.

Schultz/Marcks   Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the update to the HVAC control system at the Middle School.  Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the replacement of a compressor for an air conditioning unit at the Valley Campus. Klosterman/Nelson-Lerch Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the proposal regarding installing restrooms on the visitor’s side of the north athletic field.

Marcks/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0


The NFVSPA submitted its opening proposal for negotiations. Support staff are asking for a $1.50 increase per hour for both FY26 and FY27 with a continuation of other contract language.  


The NFV Board presented an opening proposal to the NFVSPA, which includes a $1.50 per hour increase to the hiring base and a $1.75 per hour increase for current employees in FY26. For FY27, the proposed increases are $0.75 per hour for current staff and $0.25 per hour for the hiring base. Additionally, flat route rates for bus drivers would increase to $45.50 per route in FY26 and $46.50 per route in FY27. The proposal also includes the removal of BD pay and eliminating contract language related to hills, capacity, and miles driven in driving agreements.


The Board approved the first reading of policies 705-709.

Schultz/Marcks Motion Carried 6-0



There was no further discussion.


At 6:58 pm, the board entered an exempt session under Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3) to discuss collective bargaining strategies. The session is exempt from the Open Meetings Law; therefore, no action was taken, and no minutes were recorded.  The board returned to open session at 7:36 pm.


Motion to adjourn at 7:36 pm.  Klosterman/Rodgers  Carried 6-0


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