Luana City Council Minutes of January 2, 2025
The Luana City Council held their regular monthly meeting Thursday January 2, 2025, at 7:00 pm. with Council Members Lonnie Baade, Kevin Boddicker, Todd Olson, Jackie Radloff-Schneider, Luke Steege present. Absent: None.
Mayor Jerry Schroeder called meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Minutes of December meeting were reviewed and approved upon a motion by Steege, second by Radloff-Schneider, carried unanimously.
Olson motioned to pay all monthly claims totaling $34,127.03, Steege second, carried unanimously. Receipts for the month totaled $59,575.87. Total gross wages reported for 2024 for all elected officials and city employees $95,758.65. Radloff-Schneider motioned to pass Res. 1-2025 T.O.F, Boddicker second, carried unanimously. Council reviewed reconciled reports.
Casey Stickfort, Clayton County Engineer, covered county plans to repair Diplomat Road. County provided a proposed request for the City of Luana to pay a portion of the cost. Estimates given to city for cities portion in the amount of $249,570.00. Project slated to begin in 2028, aligning with Allamakee’s portion of said road. Consensus of council to table topic at this time.
Humble informed council that all needed distance waivers for new lagoon project have been received. Waivers have been sent to city attorney for filing.
Steege motioned to support the Clayton County Disaster Recovery Fund campaign in the amount of $300.00, Olson second, carried unanimously.
Kleinow, PWS, informed council of a dump trunk that was a possibility for the cities needs. Council asked Kleinow to look into purchasing said truck with a maximum purchase price of $35,000.
Kleinow, PWS, informed council of current bid received to seal coat roads next fiscal year in the amount of $49,001.30. Kleinow stated he is still awaiting additional bids.
Boddicker motioned to approve a $1.00 per hour increase for Superintendent of Public Works and City Administrator, Baade second. Roll call vote: AYES 5, NAYS 0. Res. 1.2.2025 signed.
Next regular council meeting will be held February 6, 2025, at 7:00 pm.
Mayor Schroeder adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm.
Tammy Humble, City Administrator
Monthly Expenditures $34,127.03: Alliant Energy $2,262.38; Black Hills Energy $428.31; Column Software $54.50
(Publication); Electric Motor Shop $24.00 (Christmas light repair); Federal Taxes $1,538.06; IPERS $1,297.30; IA One Call $19.80; LSB $40.00 (Safety box rental); Meyer's Auto $1,072.31 (Vehicle repair); Microbac $80.75(Sewer and water testing); MSA $15,750.00 (Lagoon engineer); NEIT $83.67; Post Office $106.48 (Certified letters); Superior Welding $23.00 (Firefighter supplies); Sales Tax $209.00; State Withholding $741.90; Wages $8,071.77; Waste Management $2,313.34; W.E.T. Tax $10.46. Fire Department Expenditures $23.00; General Fund Expenditures $17,200.97; Propriety Expenditures $15,830,75; Road Use Tax Expenditures $1,072.31; TIF Expenditures $0.
Monthly Revenue $59,575.87: Interest $940.66; Local Option $2,883.71; Monona Township $8,000.00; Property Taxes $2,580.40; RUT $1,583.00; SRF Loan $15,750.00; Utilities $28,778.76.