Fraud Alert
The Grant County Communications center has taken an increased number of calls from area residents reporting an attempt of fraud. The majority of the callers have indicated the fraud centers around a child, grandchild, or other family member who has been involved in an incident such as an accident, or has come down with some type of illness, or has been taken to jail. The callers are stating they need a large sum of money to help them.
The caller instructs the potential victims to obtain cash and they will come to their residence and collect the money. At the time of this release, The Sheriff's Office reports they are aware of at one individual who has fallen victim to this and has suffered a monetary loss. The victim reported an individual did come to their residence to collect the money. That incident is still under investigation.
The Sheriff's Office is urging area residents to talk with their family members, neighbors, and friends regarding this type of scam and ask them to take the extra step and check with another person prior to making any arrangements to transfer the money. Scammers will likely tell them it's urgent and that they don't have much time in an attempt to deter the potential victims from contacting anyone.