Clayton County ISU Extension & Outreach Media Packet for 3/6/25
Thursday, March 14
9:45AM Boots in the Barn: Beef and Dairy Women in Ag Edgewood, IA
Tuesday, March 18
6:30PM Private Pesticide Applicator CIC (P-CIC) Elkader, IA
Saturday, April 5
8:30AM 4-H & FFA Derby Swine Weigh-In Elkader, IA

4-H County Council members prepared omelets for the annual Brunch on March 2.
4-H Omelet Brunch Showcases 4-H Work
The Clayton County 4-H Omelet Brunch & Silent Auction was held March 2 at Johnson’s Reception Hall in Elkader. This annual event is sponsored by the 4-H County Council and Extension 4-H & Youth Development Committee. This event is a one of the ways 4-H members showcase their program and the youth & volunteers who make it happen. 537 people were served omelets, pancakes, applesauce, milk, coffee and juice. Thirty-two items were donated for the auction by clubs, members, families and 4-H alumni raised $2209. Winning bids ranged from $10 to $150. The proceeds will be used to maintain and promote 4-H & Youth activities in Clayton County and pay part of the Iowa 4-H Youth Development fees. If you would like to know more about 4-H and events, please contact the Clayton County ISU Extension & Outreach office at 563-245-1451 or visit us at
Private Pesticide Continuing Instruction Course
Elkader, Iowa – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Clayton County office will be offering a Private Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC), led by Extension Field Agronomist, Josh Michel on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm at the Freedom Bank Community Room in Elkader. Preregistration is requested. Walk-ins on the day of the program will be admitted. Please preregister online or call 563-245-1451 to register.
The course will fulfill 2024-2025 recertification requirements for private pesticide applicators. The registration fee is $30. To register or to obtain additional information about the P-CIC, contact your county extension office.
Additional Stories Published Online
The following news releases have been published on the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach website.
3/6/2025 March Virtual Teacher License Renewal Course Dives into Iowa Core 21st Century Skills Finance Topics
Iowa educators who want to do a deep dive into finance topics but need flexibility have until March 17 to register for “Small Change: Building Financial Security for Educators.” This Iowa State University Extension and Outreach blended course starts Monday, March 24.
Increasing days on feed for feedlot cattle isn’t a new idea. However, several research studies in recent years have shown that as cattle get bigger a large percentage of their weight gain is in the form of carcass weight gain. Grant Crawford, associate director of cattle technical services at Merck Animal Health, said this concept, termed carcass transfer, allows cattle feeders the opportunity to extend days-on-feed and increase profitability on certain groups of cattle.
Staff with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Farm, Food and Enterprise Development are launching Iowa Kids Garden Day on May 21 to celebrate and encourage community efforts to grow, eat and learn in on-site gardens. K-12 school district staff, early care and education providers, families and community groups are invited to participate anytime throughout the month of May.
Farmers and agricultural service providers can still register for Season Five of CropsTV, powered by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. This online learning opportunity features 28 episodes with a variety of crop, pest management, nutrient management, and soil and water management topics.
Iowa’s new water quality measurement coordinator, Elizabeth Schwab, is looking forward to combining her expertise in water quality and management of big data sets to support the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.
The farm management team with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is offering three Women Marketing Cattle courses this spring. Courses are scheduled in Decorah, Mt. Ayr and Guthrie Center.
Farmers, crop consultants, ag retailers and landowners can access timely agronomic related information on the newly updated Integrated Crop Management website from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
The system to request an appearance of Conservation Station educational trailers during summer 2025 is now live, according to Iowa State University Extension and Outreach programs “Water Rocks!” and Iowa Learning Farms.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Lyon County and Conservation Learning Group, will host a “Conservation on Tap” event, Thursday, March 20, 5:30-7 p.m. at Rock River Brewing Company in Rock Rapids.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, is hosting a free virtual field day on Thursday, March 13, at 1 p.m. Central time. The live discussion will feature Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef specialists Chris Clark, Erika Lun
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach news releases are available from our website at