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Central Board

The Central School Board approved a one-year extension on the contract of Superintendent Nick Trenkamp.

The Board approved the resignation of Bethany Klingman as District Secondary and approved the hiring of Kara Armstrong as Food Service Director for the 25-26 school year.

The Central Board set the public hearing dates for the district budget. The hearings will be held on March 24th and April 21st.



February 17, 2025 – 6:00 PM 

Board Meeting 

President Jared Funk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 

Board Present: Jered Finley, Jared Funk, Josh Embretson, Courtney Scherf, Marcus Belser and Andrew Clark. 

Board Absent: Michael Whittle 

Staff: Nick Trenkamp, Amy Pope, and Allison Walch 

Guests: Louis & Angel Keppler, Allison Heer, and Olivia Stevenson 

Consent Items Printed Minutes-January 20, 2025 

Agenda-February 17, 2025-Add under Policy Review (i) First Reading of Policy 103 to complete the Desk Audit. 

Bills-Jered Finley & Courtney Scherf 

Treasurer Report 

Courtney Scherf made a motion to approve the consent items. 

Andrew Clark seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 


Courtney Scherf made a motion to approve the resignation of Bethany Klingman as the District Secretary. 

Marcus Belser seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Courtney Scherf made a motion to approve Kara Armstrong as the Food Service Director starting the 2025-2026 school year. 

Josh Embretson seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Marcus Belser made a motion to approve Molly Scherf, Stacey Moore, McKenna Jaster, Mark Wiley, Mark Bauder, Tyler Bazyn, Joe Koehn, Abby Heitman, Leah Imoehl, Josh Embretson, Peter Thompson, Tim Rupard, JW Downs, and Blake Rodenberg as volunteer boys and girls Track & Field Coaches. 

Courtney Scherf seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 


Jered Finley made a motion to approve the officials. 

Josh Embretson seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

2024 Audit Report 

Jered Finley made a motion to approve the 2024 Audit Report. 

Josh Embretson seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Budget Guarantee Resolution 

Courtney Scherf made a motion to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution-RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Central Clayton Community School District, will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2025-2026 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. 

Andrew Clark seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Budget Hearing Dates 

Marcus Belser made a motion to approve moving the March board meeting to March 24, 2025, at 6:00 PM for the first budget hearing and set the second hearing date for April 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM. 

Josh Embretson seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Policy Review 

Marcus Belser made a motion to approve the second reading of Policy 102-Equal Educational Opportunity, Policy 401.01-Equal Employment Opportunity, Policy 401.06-Limitations to Employee References, Policy 501.09 Chronic Absenteeism and

Truancy, Policy 501.09R1-Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Regulation, Policy 710.01R1-School Food Program-School Nutrition Program, Policy 710.01E1-School Food Program-School Nutrition Program Notices and Nondiscrimination, Policy 710.01E2-School Food Program-School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaint Form, and the first reading of Policy 103-Long-Range Needs Assessment. 

Courtney Scherf seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

Communication & Reports 

Elementary Principal-Mrs. Pope 

See link online. 

MS/HS Principal & AD-Mr. Reinhart 

See link online. 

Superintendent-Mr. Trenkamp 

See link online. 

Superintendent Formative Evaluation-Anticipated Closed Session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) 

Andrew Clark made a motion to go into closed session. 

Josh Embretson seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

The board went into closed session at 6:24 PM. 

Courtney Scherf made a motion to return to open session. 

Marcus Belser seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

The board returned to open session at 7:59 PM. 

Superintendent Contract 

Marcus Belser made a motion to extend the superintendent contract for another year. Courtney Scherf seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 


Marcus Belser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 

Andrew Clark seconded. Motion carried. 6-0 

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM. 


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